Research with Human beings and its ethical aspects: integrative review

  • Geovana Christina Isidoro Bezerra Universidade de Gurupi
  • Emerson Alves Miguel Batista Barreto Universidade de Gurupi
  • Arnon Coelho Bezerra Filho Instituto Tocantinense Antônio Carlos Palmas
  • Yago Ferreira Ferro União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lago
  • Waldemar Naves do Amaral Universidade Federal do Goiás
Keywords: Research with human beings, Ethics


Objective: Analyze the ethical aspects of research with human beings.

Method and results: Integrative literature review, with 66 articles identified, using Academic Google and SciELO databases, from the following descriptors: ethics and research with humans, of which ten were selected for the study.

Conclusion: Research on human beings is essential for the development of science and medicine; however, they represent major challenges related to ethics. Guidelines are constantly improved to ensure safety, integrity and respect for the people who participate in research, but they have limited scope if not accompanied by the strengthening and improvement of ethics committees.

Author Biographies

Geovana Christina Isidoro Bezerra, Universidade de Gurupi

Interna de medicina, Universidade de Gurupi (UnirG).

Emerson Alves Miguel Batista Barreto, Universidade de Gurupi

Interno de medicina, Universidade de Gurupi (UnirG).

Arnon Coelho Bezerra Filho, Instituto Tocantinense Antônio Carlos Palmas

Acadêmico de medicina, Instituto Tocantinense Antônio Carlos Palmas (ITPAC).

Yago Ferreira Ferro, União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lago

Médico, União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos (Unilago).

Waldemar Naves do Amaral, Universidade Federal do Goiás

Professor e Diretor, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás.
